You can park in the back driveway
Hannah: (601) 964-1094
Bryson: (972) 998-5524
Wifi Network: Netgear88-5G
Wifi Password: roundtrain987​​
Some of our lamps are smart lights. If you just say "Alexa turn on/off the lights" they will work. The two downstairs are on timers, so if one suddenly turns on/off in the evening, that's why.
Smart Lamp Locations:
a) Living Room: Small lamp on the bookshelf and lamp over couch
AC Unit: Use this as needed if it's hot. ​​​
Downstairs: Just turn on with the power button on top of the unit. You don't need to do anything with the window. I usually turn this one off at night.
Susan: (601) 270-6068​
Ben: (601) 270-6064
Po’s regular vet is 360 Pet Medical
338 Gallatin Park Dr, Bozeman, MT 59715
Open 7AM – 7PM Mon-Thur; 7AM – 5PM Friday
Emergency Vet during the day/early evening – Wellhaven Pet Health
216 N 8th Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715
Open Sat & Sun 9AM – 9PM
Open Fri 8AM – 9PM
Open Mon – Thur 8AM – 6PM
24/7 Emergency Vet - Pet Emergency Trauma Services
1103 Reeves Rd W, Bozeman, MT 59718
Open 24/7
Po is an indoor only cat. Do not let him out.
He likes to try to sneak out the door when you come inside. Just try to come inside quickly. If he does get out, don't run or shout at him because he will just keep running. If he gets out, just walk up to him with a calm voice, and he should stay still and let you pick him up.
If you don’t see/scoop any pee for 24 hours, he may have a urinary blockage. Please call me or text me if this happens. This shouldn't happen since he is on a medical diet. His pee is usually in big lumps in the litter box, whereas the poop looks like poop, ha.
He cannot have any other types of food/treats. Only give him his wet & dry foods as noted below, and we give him a Churu treat every now and then which is fine. You can use some kibbles as treats at night as well.
Give Po 1 big heaping scoop of kibbles.
Under the sink.
Give Po ½ container of wet food.
Under the sink.
Cover the rest of the food in the container with the cat food cover on the drying rack and put in the fridge to use in the evening.
You’ll have to clean his wet food bowl each time you feed him. You can use any of the sponges/brushes.
Use the small yellow handled knife on drying rack to chop up his food.
Give Po ½ container of wet food.
In the fridge.
He can’t have any treats other than kibbles or Churu because of his special diet. I give him like half a scoop of kibbles at night everyday.
Scoop litter at least 1 time a day.
In the Laundry Room.
Use the litter trash can and pull out the grey tab so the litter goes into the can
Other​​ ​​
If you use the bathroom, please close the toilet lid when you're done. He has fallen in before lol.
He has toys scattered throughout the house. Please pick up strings after playing with strings so that he doesn't eat them.
He loves playing with ice cubes. You can get one from the freezer!
Please water the back porch plant if the soil in the pot gets dry.
Don't hesitate to text with any questions!